Date of Incident12/08/2008
ConflictOperation Iraqi Freedom: 3/20/2003 - 8/21/2010
RankPrivate First Class
UnitC Company, 225th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division
StatusWounded in Action
"On December 8 2008 we were out on a mission driving enroute to take apart an IED, while enroute we hit a roadside IED on Sword and Hurricanes. Next thing I remember is waking up and being transported in the other truck to NWS to catch an air medevac to the green zone. Where they performed life saving medical procedures and removed my spleen, appendix, and shrapnel from my face. Once I was stable enough for travel, I was moved to Landstuhl stayed there for some time. Once I was stable enough to fly back to state side I was transferred to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington DC." - This narrative was submitted with the enrollment.